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QuickView for CACNA1D;jsessionid=5B69627D97B56DA68E561308D913ADF6;jsessionid=DC355A8EB9DDDC634986849EEAFC3DE7;jsessionid=1B418DF2F4B9E474C9CD835301AB51AF;jsessionid=A1FE991D532D390BC3756609612089C0 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
egl-19 C. elegans C. elegans
Full name:
EGg Laying defective
C48A7.1, egl-19
Genomic Location:
Chr IV: 7405444-7418718
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Danio rerio Bos taurus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

voltage-gated ion channel activity | passive transmembrane transporter activity | transmembrane transporter activity | ion gated channel activity | voltage-gated calcium channel activity | cation transmembrane transporter activity | transporter activity | calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity | ion transmembrane transporter activity | metal ion transmembrane transporter activity | voltage-gated cation channel activity | cation channel activity | inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity | voltage-gated channel activity | channel activity | calcium channel activity | ion channel activity | substrate-specific channel activity

GO Biological Process

regulation of pharyngeal pumping | regulation of muscle system process | positive regulation of locomotion | regulation of localization | establishment of localization | nervous system development | voltage-gated ion channel activity | pattern specification process | calcium ion import | localization | passive transmembrane transporter activity | metal ion transport | determination of left/right symmetry | regulation of behavior | transmembrane transporter activity | ion gated channel activity | regulation of feeding behavior | divalent metal ion transport | voltage-gated calcium channel activity | system development | multicellular organism development | calcium ion transmembrane transport | regulation of muscle contraction | ion transmembrane transport | determination of bilateral symmetry | cation transmembrane transporter activity | determination of left/right asymmetry in nervous system | calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity | ion transmembrane transporter activity | regulation of striated muscle contraction | regulation of locomotion | cation transmembrane transport | regulation of eating behavior | metal ion transmembrane transporter activity | anatomical structure development | voltage-gated cation channel activity | positive regulation of striated muscle contraction | calcium ion transport | positive regulation of muscle contraction | inorganic cation transmembrane transport | regulation of ion transmembrane transport | cation channel activity | transmembrane transport | inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity | voltage-gated channel activity | cation transport | channel activity | regulation of ion transport | developmental process | calcium channel activity | regulation of transport | ion channel activity | ion transport | substrate-specific channel activity | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

integral component of membrane | voltage-gated calcium channel complex | cell | plasma membrane protein complex | intrinsic component of membrane | protein-containing complex | plasma membrane | calcium channel complex | cell periphery | transmembrane transporter complex | cation channel complex | ion channel complex | membrane