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QuickView for CD11B;jsessionid=BDD9C3214ECF3D9658BB767ECFD4A06C;jsessionid=5B63B9235777091B4D5B55DBB2C21D4A (gene)

Gene Symbol:
Itgam Mus musculus Mus musculus
Full name:
integrin alpha M
CD11b/CD18, CR3, CR3A, Cd11b, F730045J24Rik, Ly-40, MAC1, Mac-1, Mac-1a, integrin alpha-M, CD11 antigen-like family member B, CD11B (p170), CR-3 alpha chain, Mac-1 alpha, cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 alpha subunit, cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha, complement component receptor 3 alpha-a, complement receptor type 3, leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1, macrophage antigen alpha
Genomic Location:
Chr 7: 135206154-135262005
Homo sapiens Rattus norvegicus Bos taurus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Danio rerio
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

proteoglycan binding | opsonin binding | carbohydrate derivative binding | anion binding | protein heterodimerization activity | ion binding | heparin binding | heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding | protein binding | protein dimerization activity | glycosaminoglycan binding | heat shock protein binding

GO Biological Process

positive regulation of immune response | cell motility | regulation of localization | regulation of immune system process | myeloid cell differentiation | cell differentiation | defense response | nervous system development | neurogenesis | regulation of neutrophil degranulation | cellular process | localization | positive regulation of immune effector process | positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process | immune system development | myeloid cell development | granulocyte chemotaxis | activated T cell proliferation | regulation of immune response | regulation of cellular process | leukocyte activation | regulation of metabolic process | gliogenesis | T cell activation | response to stimulus | neutrophil chemotaxis | positive regulation of immune system process | mononuclear cell proliferation | response to stress | positive regulation of cell activation | positive regulation of superoxide anion generation | macrophage differentiation | hemopoiesis | cell chemotaxis | leukocyte migration | leukocyte differentiation | positive regulation of exocytosis | locomotion | regulation of superoxide metabolic process | system development | multicellular organism development | cell migration | positive regulation of neutrophil degranulation | positive regulation of secretion | myeloid leukocyte differentiation | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | cell proliferation | leukocyte proliferation | glial cell differentiation | positive regulation of regulated secretory pathway | regulation of cellular metabolic process | inflammatory response | leukocyte chemotaxis | positive regulation of transport | lymphocyte activation | regulation of exocytosis | anatomical structure development | leukocyte cell-cell adhesion | positive regulation of leukocyte activation | regulation of vesicle-mediated transport | regulation of secretion | cell adhesion | animal organ development | T cell proliferation | regulation of cell activation | cell-cell adhesion | regulation of regulated secretory pathway | cell activation | leukocyte migration involved in inflammatory response | lymphocyte proliferation | glial cell development | cell development | developmental process | microglia development | cellular extravasation | regulation of transport | regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process | regulation of superoxide anion generation | central nervous system development | positive regulation of metabolic process | immune system process | hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development | neutrophil migration | chemotaxis | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

integral component of membrane | intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | intrinsic component of membrane | external side of plasma membrane | intracellular organelle | membrane microdomain | plasma membrane | membrane raft | extracellular region | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | extracellular space | cell periphery | plasma membrane raft | cell surface | intracellular | membrane