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QuickView for LAMP1;jsessionid=5D2502737137B60360FB172A74051BC1 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
LAMP1 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
lysosomal associated membrane protein 1
CD107a, LAMPA, LGP120, lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1, CD107 antigen-like family member A, LAMP-1, lysosome-associated membrane protein 1
Genomic Location:
Chr 13: 112999470-113025742
The protein encoded by this gene is a member of a family of membrane glycoproteins. This glycoprotein provides selectins with carbohydrate ligands. It may also play a role in tumor cell metastasis.
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Macaca mulatta Bos taurus Gallus gallus Canis lupus familiaris Danio rerio Pan troglodytes
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
miRNA binding sites
(Source: TargetScan):
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 13

Transcripts Names

GO Molecular Function

enzyme binding | protein domain specific binding | protein binding | virus receptor activity

GO Biological Process

positive regulation of immune response | positive regulation of cell killing | exocytosis | neutrophil activation | regulation of cellular localization | protein stabilization | regulation of localization | establishment of localization | regulation of immune system process | positive regulation of lymphocyte activation | regulation of microtubule-based movement | regulation of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity | Golgi to vacuole transport | intracellular transport | cellular process | secretion | leukocyte degranulation | localization | positive regulation of immune effector process | macromolecule localization | establishment of localization in cell | cytosolic transport | interspecies interaction between organisms | regulation of immune response | regulation of cellular process | leukocyte activation | regulation of natural killer cell activation | granzyme-mediated apoptotic signaling pathway | entry into host cell | viral life cycle | positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity | response to stimulus | lysosomal transport | neutrophil degranulation | positive regulation of innate immune response | positive regulation of immune system process | leukocyte activation involved in immune response | vacuolar transport | programmed cell death | positive regulation of cell activation | cellular localization | positive regulation of natural killer cell activation | secretion by cell | regulation of intracellular transport | positive regulation of exocytosis | apoptotic process | regulation of protein stability | leukocyte mediated immunity | post-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport | viral entry into host cell | positive regulation of secretion | regulation of lymphocyte activation | Golgi to lysosome transport | vesicle-mediated transport | regulation of cellular component movement | protein localization to organelle | regulated exocytosis | positive regulation of regulated secretory pathway | cell communication | cell activation involved in immune response | myeloid cell activation involved in immune response | neutrophil activation involved in immune response | Golgi vesicle transport | positive regulation of transport | viral process | apoptotic signaling pathway | positive regulation of natural killer cell degranulation | regulation of microtubule-based process | autophagic cell death | regulation of innate immune response | regulation of exocytosis | establishment of protein localization to organelle | positive regulation of leukocyte activation | cellular protein localization | regulation of vesicle-mediated transport | regulation of secretion | immune response | cell death | virus receptor activity | regulation of cell activation | positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity | regulation of organelle transport along microtubule | establishment of protein localization | regulation of regulated secretory pathway | cell activation | regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity | signaling | protein localization | cellular macromolecule localization | regulation of transport | positive regulation of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity | neutrophil mediated immunity | immune system process | regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity | signal transduction

GO Cellular Component

secretory granule | exocytic vesicle | integral component of membrane | dendrite | intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | sarcolemma | synapse | late endosome | neuron projection | endocytic vesicle membrane | somatodendritic compartment | organelle membrane | tertiary granule | cytoplasmic vesicle | cell body | cell | alveolar lamellar body | phagolysosome | multivesicular body | neuronal cell body | intrinsic component of membrane | external side of plasma membrane | phagolysosome membrane | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | dendritic tree | secondary lysosome | secretory granule membrane | ficolin-1-rich granule membrane | melanosome | presynapse | endosome membrane | cell projection | secretory vesicle | phagocytic vesicle membrane | endomembrane system | plasma membrane | cytolytic granule | azurophil granule membrane | vacuole | vesicle | transport vesicle | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | extracellular exosome | autolysosome | lytic vacuole | integral component of plasma membrane | synaptic vesicle | endosome | extracellular region | membrane-bounded organelle | extracellular vesicle | organelle | vesicle membrane | lysosome | extracellular space | cell periphery | azurophil granule | lamellar body | cytosol | intracellular vesicle | cell surface | endocytic vesicle | intracellular | autophagosome | lysosomal membrane | membrane | cytoplasmic vesicle membrane | intrinsic component of plasma membrane | phagocytic vesicle | vacuolar membrane