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QuickView for PTPN11;jsessionid=56A5863822587C27E41D5C31B2F8536F;jsessionid=DB94511D6F2210C0ADC844A37B84AAFE;jsessionid=D28D2073FFBF0AA1F2B75C7E03E52490;jsessionid=6A9F9A991DC56318E3A7DFC058A279C3 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
csw D. melanogaster D. melanogaster
Full name:
19-106, anon-WO03040301.207, anon-WO03040301.209, anon-WO03040301.219, CG3954, csw, CSW, Csw/Shp2, DmelCG3954, Dmel_CG3954, E(sev)1A, EG:BACN25G24.2, l(1)2Db, l(1)2Dd, l(1)csw, l(1)G0170, l(1)GA114, Shp2/csw
Genomic Location:
Chr X: 1988269-2007698
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus C. elegans Macaca mulatta Danio rerio Gallus gallus Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Pan troglodytes
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

GO Molecular Function

phosphatase activity | hydrolase activity | protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | catalytic activity | phosphoprotein phosphatase activity | hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds | protein binding | phosphoric ester hydrolase activity | non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine phosphatase activity

GO Biological Process

eye photoreceptor cell fate commitment | protein dephosphorylation | photoreceptor cell fate commitment | cell motility | regulation of neurogenesis | developmental process involved in reproduction | zygotic determination of anterior/posterior axis, embryo | regulation of cell development | phagocytosis, engulfment | morphogenesis of an epithelium | regulation of programmed cell death | eye development | establishment of localization | negative regulation of cellular process | cell differentiation | terminal region determination | nervous system development | compound eye photoreceptor fate commitment | epithelial cell migration | neurogenesis | generation of neurons | membrane organization | pattern specification process | cellular process | localization | epithelial tube morphogenesis | mesoderm development | epithelium migration | multicellular organismal reproductive process | negative regulation of apoptotic process | dorsal/ventral axis specification | regulation of compound eye photoreceptor development | response to growth factor | establishment or maintenance of polarity of follicular epithelium | tissue development | regulation of cell differentiation | gamete generation | regulation of cellular process | regulation of apoptotic process | regulation of eye photoreceptor cell development | R7 cell differentiation | epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway | epithelium development | cellular component organization | phosphatase activity | response to stimulus | female gamete generation | respiratory system development | cellular response to fibroblast growth factor stimulus | branching involved in open tracheal system development | germ cell development | tube morphogenesis | epithelial cell development | reproduction | blastoderm segmentation | ERBB signaling pathway | protein modification process | dorsal/ventral pattern formation | embryo development | macromolecule modification | protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | eye photoreceptor cell differentiation | anterior/posterior pattern specification | neuron fate commitment | locomotion | dorsal/ventral axis specification, ovarian follicular epithelium | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | reproductive process | epithelial cell migration, open tracheal system | multicellular organism development | primary branching, open tracheal system | cell migration | phosphorus metabolic process | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | regulation of neuron differentiation | cell cycle | embryonic axis specification | animal organ morphogenesis | phosphoprotein phosphatase activity | enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway | vesicle-mediated transport | oogenesis | open tracheal system development | compound eye morphogenesis | establishment or maintenance of cell polarity | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | sensory organ development | compound eye development | cell communication | eye morphogenesis | anterior/posterior axis specification | sevenless signaling pathway | neuron differentiation | multicellular organism reproduction | protein metabolic process | regionalization | axis specification | response to organic substance | regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation | ovarian follicle cell development | tissue morphogenesis | branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube | regulation of animal organ morphogenesis | import into cell | ventral midline development | torso signaling pathway | anatomical structure development | mitotic cell cycle | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | metabolic process | cell fate commitment | negative regulation of programmed cell death | membrane invagination | imaginal disc development | endocytosis | compound eye photoreceptor cell differentiation | organic substance metabolic process | animal organ development | anterior/posterior axis specification, embryo | morphogenesis of a branching epithelium | dephosphorylation | signaling | cell development | cellular protein metabolic process | morphogenesis of a branching structure | anatomical structure morphogenesis | regulation of nervous system development | regulation of developmental process | segmentation | developmental process | cellular protein modification process | columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development | tube development | non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation | morphogenesis of follicular epithelium | response to fibroblast growth factor | epithelial cell differentiation | central nervous system development | transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway | cellular metabolic process | ameboidal-type cell migration | photoreceptor cell differentiation | cellular response to organic substance | regulation of cell death | negative regulation of cell death | sexual reproduction | phagocytosis | R7 cell fate commitment | signal transduction | embryonic pattern specification | cellular response to growth factor stimulus | macromolecule metabolic process | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

cell | cytoplasm | intracellular