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QuickView for TIP110;jsessionid=344A007EBACA3DB3F7D3706D337F387B;jsessionid=A0982B97F8EE739528B45465BBD98A5B;jsessionid=85C1ADB90B3B9C0B06C1FDE0EC91E6C7 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
SART3 Canis lupus familiaris Canis lupus familiaris
Full name:
squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 3
Genomic Location:
Chr 26: 21334853-21371561
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster C. elegans Saccharomyces cerevisiae Macaca mulatta Schizosaccharomyces pombe Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names
No proteins found.

GO Molecular Function

enzyme binding | nucleic acid binding | U4 snRNA binding | ubiquitin-specific protease binding | U6atac snRNA binding | organic cyclic compound binding | protein binding | snRNA binding | histone binding | U6 snRNA binding | protease binding | heterocyclic compound binding | RNA binding

GO Biological Process

RNA metabolic process | cell morphogenesis | RNA processing | positive regulation of cellular component organization | nucleosome organization | regulation of organelle organization | cellular process | chromatin organization | immune system development | regulation of histone modification | regulation of proteolysis | positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | regulation of cellular process | regulation of metabolic process | spliceosomal snRNP assembly | organic cyclic compound metabolic process | positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | cellular aromatic compound metabolic process | cellular component organization | RNA splicing | positive regulation of protein metabolic process | RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions | protein-DNA complex assembly | positive regulation of proteolysis | cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process | hemopoiesis | cellular component assembly | mRNA metabolic process | positive regulation of histone deubiquitination | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | positive regulation of organelle organization | multicellular organism development | regulation of protein deubiquitination | positive regulation of chromosome organization | regulation of gene expression | stem cell proliferation | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | positive regulation of protein deubiquitination | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | spliceosomal tri-snRNP complex assembly | homeostasis of number of cells | cell proliferation | regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | cellular protein-containing complex assembly | regulation of cellular metabolic process | hematopoietic stem cell proliferation | regulation of protein metabolic process | homeostatic process | protein-containing complex assembly | positive regulation of protein modification process | chromatin assembly or disassembly | anatomical structure development | metabolic process | nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process | organic substance metabolic process | animal organ development | positive regulation of histone modification | gene expression | ribonucleoprotein complex assembly | DNA packaging | regulation of chromosome organization | chromatin assembly | anatomical structure morphogenesis | developmental process | organelle organization | DNA conformation change | heterocycle metabolic process | nucleosome assembly | positive regulation of metabolic process | chromosome organization | ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis | immune system process | cellular metabolic process | mRNA processing | hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development | mRNA splicing, via spliceosome | regulation of cellular component organization | macromolecule metabolic process | multicellular organismal process | regulation of chromatin organization

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex | cell | nuclear lumen | spliceosomal snRNP complex | intracellular organelle | Cajal body | nuclear body | protein-containing complex | nucleoplasm | U6atac snRNP | ribonucleoprotein complex | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | U4/U6 snRNP | membrane-enclosed lumen | intracellular