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QuickView for TMEM16B;jsessionid=43C505EA668783FB4386E76AD8D3530B;jsessionid=ED0226E18D32ECFDB92C641927BC1E0F (gene)

Gene Symbol:
Ano2 Rattus norvegicus Rattus norvegicus
Full name:
anoctamin 2
anoctamin-2, anoctamin 2, calcium activated chloride channel, anoctamin-2-like
Genomic Location:
Homo sapiens Mus musculus D. melanogaster Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Bos taurus
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

GO Molecular Function

anion transmembrane transporter activity | phospholipid scramblase activity | passive transmembrane transporter activity | transmembrane transporter activity | ion gated channel activity | chloride channel activity | intracellular calcium activated chloride channel activity | inorganic anion transmembrane transporter activity | chloride transmembrane transporter activity | phospholipid transporter activity | transporter activity | identical protein binding | ion transmembrane transporter activity | protein heterodimerization activity | protein binding | protein homodimerization activity | protein dimerization activity | anion channel activity | channel activity | ion channel activity | lipid transporter activity | substrate-specific channel activity

GO Biological Process

lipid transport | establishment of localization | anion transmembrane transporter activity | phospholipid scramblase activity | membrane organization | cellular process | localization | passive transmembrane transporter activity | anion transport | macromolecule localization | endomembrane system organization | regulation of membrane lipid distribution | transmembrane transporter activity | cellular component organization | chloride transmembrane transport | ion gated channel activity | chloride channel activity | chloride transport | inorganic anion transport | intracellular calcium activated chloride channel activity | inorganic anion transmembrane transporter activity | chloride transmembrane transporter activity | phospholipid transporter activity | ion transmembrane transport | plasma membrane organization | organic substance transport | ion transmembrane transporter activity | organic anion transport | phospholipid transport | anion transmembrane transport | lipid localization | anion channel activity | phospholipid scrambling | transmembrane transport | channel activity | ion channel activity | lipid transporter activity | ion transport | substrate-specific channel activity

GO Cellular Component

non-motile cilium | integral component of membrane | intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | nuclear lumen | intrinsic component of membrane | intracellular organelle | cell projection | nucleoplasm | plasma membrane | cilium | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | cell periphery | membrane-enclosed lumen | intracellular | membrane