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QuickView for TNRC13;jsessionid=3D765BD25ABDC6EF1EDE0A75B9F1BD6C;jsessionid=A8AB09FA390A3AE4E0D1D6F38BF237B8;jsessionid=51586F57457820B19218871CCD1B1B0A;jsessionid=1378266A38B81A4711AC8DCC93F77B7F;jsessionid=54514B301174F5B54A27844C588C15E8;jsessionid=EA29EA8A5B9EB50A536FE0535DF92AEB;jsessionid=8F9C0DFB3315CA729B1E7DD1B8AF48EA (gene)

Gene Symbol:
ATXN2 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
ataxin 2
ATX2, SCA2, TNRC13, ataxin-2, spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 protein, trinucleotide repeat-containing gene 13 protein
Genomic Location:
Chr 12: 110374401-110521863
This gene belongs to a group of genes that is associated with microsatellite-expansion diseases, a class of neurological and neuromuscular disorders caused by expansion of short stretches of repetitive DNA. The protein encoded by this gene has two globular domains near the N-terminus, one of which contains a clathrin-mediated trans-Golgi signal and...
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
miRNA binding sites
(Source: TargetScan):
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 12

GO Molecular Function

nucleic acid binding | signaling receptor binding | organic cyclic compound binding | protein binding | epidermal growth factor receptor binding | growth factor receptor binding | heterocyclic compound binding | protein C-terminus binding | RNA binding

GO Biological Process

RNA metabolic process | negative regulation of receptor internalization | regulation of localization | establishment of localization | negative regulation of cellular process | regulation of organelle organization | cellular process | localization | negative regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis | macromolecule localization | negative regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of cellular process | regulation of metabolic process | regulation of protein complex assembly | organic cyclic compound metabolic process | cellular aromatic compound metabolic process | cellular component organization | regulation of receptor internalization | posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression | cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process | negative regulation of transport | negative regulation of metabolic process | cellular component assembly | organelle assembly | nitrogen compound metabolic process | regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis | regulation of gene expression | organic substance transport | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | cellular protein-containing complex assembly | establishment of RNA localization | regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of protein metabolic process | protein-containing complex assembly | regulation of cytoplasmic mRNA processing body assembly | nucleobase-containing compound transport | negative regulation of endocytosis | metabolic process | regulation of vesicle-mediated transport | stress granule assembly | nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process | organic substance metabolic process | ribonucleoprotein complex assembly | cytoplasmic mRNA processing body assembly | RNA transport | regulation of endocytosis | organelle organization | regulation of transport | heterocycle metabolic process | ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis | cellular metabolic process | regulation of organelle assembly | regulation of translation | RNA localization | regulation of cellular component organization | macromolecule metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | polysome | cytoplasmic stress granule | cell | ribonucleoprotein granule | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | Golgi apparatus | protein-containing complex | endomembrane system | ribonucleoprotein complex | perinuclear region of cytoplasm | membrane-bounded organelle | organelle | cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule | trans-Golgi network | cytosol | intracellular | membrane