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QuickView for Tim50;jsessionid=8E2A697314903422C37AC3C44BD14C42;jsessionid=496DF2ED238C80A391292363F5CA35B6;jsessionid=4B577DB233198E6597F39A51687C5638;jsessionid=820144625918C4A21B837EE297CEAE8B;jsessionid=5C1EF217745D17E48D681410867AE4AF;jsessionid=18DDD8FC4ADD4447F34940E13B8257AE;jsessionid=D55ACB8DF02AB6AC86E5DAFA79005F52 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
Timm50 Mus musculus Mus musculus
Full name:
translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50
2810403L02Rik, AU015082, TIM50L, mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM50, translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 homolog
Genomic Location:
Chr 7: 29090845-29097065
Homo sapiens Rattus norvegicus C. elegans Saccharomyces cerevisiae Schizosaccharomyces pombe Danio rerio Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Gallus gallus
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity | protein-containing complex binding | phosphatase activity | signaling receptor binding | hydrolase activity | cytokine receptor binding | protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | catalytic activity | ribonucleoprotein complex binding | phosphoprotein phosphatase activity | hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds | protein binding | phosphoric ester hydrolase activity | growth factor receptor binding | interleukin-2 receptor binding

GO Biological Process

protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity | protein dephosphorylation | release of cytochrome c from mitochondria | protein localization to mitochondrion | establishment of localization | membrane organization | intracellular transport | cellular process | localization | protein transport | protein transmembrane import into intracellular organelle | establishment of protein localization to mitochondrion | macromolecule localization | protein import into mitochondrial matrix | establishment of localization in cell | regulation of cellular process | cellular component organization | phosphatase activity | response to stimulus | intracellular protein transport | programmed cell death | cellular localization | apoptotic mitochondrial changes | protein modification process | mitochondrion organization | macromolecule modification | protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | apoptotic process | nitrogen compound metabolic process | phosphorus metabolic process | organic substance transport | mitochondrial transport | phosphoprotein phosphatase activity | peptide transport | protein localization to organelle | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | protein import | mitochondrial membrane organization | cell communication | apoptotic signaling pathway | protein metabolic process | establishment of protein localization to organelle | metabolic process | cellular protein localization | amide transport | mitochondrial transmembrane transport | organic substance metabolic process | cell death | establishment of protein localization | dephosphorylation | transmembrane transport | signaling | intracellular protein transmembrane transport | protein localization | cellular protein metabolic process | cellular macromolecule localization | protein targeting to mitochondrion | organelle organization | cellular protein modification process | peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation | protein transmembrane transport | protein targeting | cellular metabolic process | signal transduction | macromolecule metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

integral component of membrane | organelle inner membrane | intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | mitochondrial inner membrane | organelle membrane | cell | nuclear lumen | intrinsic component of membrane | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | nuclear body | protein-containing complex | nucleoplasm | nuclear speck | mitochondrion | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | mitochondrial envelope | membrane-enclosed lumen | mitochondrial inner membrane presequence translocase complex | mitochondrial membrane | intracellular | membrane