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QuickView for YDL102W;jsessionid=C0F3C36529DEC0CCE78CBFD0DA443786;jsessionid=5C7062E871B0351182FF036EB9B7774D;jsessionid=14D559BFA36119465E25D83C167241DC;jsessionid=CA140ED9B3E255DFDE37AE6B4095E8C9 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
DNApol-delta D. melanogaster D. melanogaster
Full name:
CAA61369, CG5949, Dm Poldelta, DmelCG5949, Dmel_CG5949, DNA Pol Delta, DNApol-delta, DNApol-delta
Genomic Location:
Chr 3L: 15977416-15980911
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus C. elegans Saccharomyces cerevisiae Macaca mulatta Schizosaccharomyces pombe Bos taurus Pan troglodytes Danio rerio Canis lupus familiaris
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

nuclease activity | DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity | nucleic acid binding | nucleotide binding | hydrolase activity | DNA polymerase activity | nucleotidyltransferase activity | catalytic activity | exodeoxyribonuclease activity | deoxyribonuclease activity | DNA binding | hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds | organic cyclic compound binding | transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups | 3'-5' exonuclease activity | transferase activity | exonuclease activity | 3'-5'-exodeoxyribonuclease activity | heterocyclic compound binding | small molecule binding

GO Biological Process

nuclease activity | cellular process | DNA-dependent DNA replication maintenance of fidelity | DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity | organic cyclic compound metabolic process | cellular aromatic compound metabolic process | DNA-dependent DNA replication | response to stimulus | response to stress | cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process | DNA polymerase activity | cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process | nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis | cellular biosynthetic process | DNA repair | nitrogen compound metabolic process | DNA replication proofreading | cellular response to DNA damage stimulus | DNA biosynthetic process | exodeoxyribonuclease activity | cellular response to stress | deoxyribonuclease activity | biosynthetic process | aromatic compound biosynthetic process | base-excision repair | nucleotide-excision repair, DNA gap filling | DNA metabolic process | metabolic process | nucleotide-excision repair | 3'-5' exonuclease activity | nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process | organic substance metabolic process | base-excision repair, gap-filling | cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process | exonuclease activity | heterocycle metabolic process | 3'-5'-exodeoxyribonuclease activity | cellular metabolic process | DNA replication | macromolecule metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

nuclear replisome | chromosome | intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | catalytic complex | nuclear replication fork | cell | nuclear lumen | replication fork | intracellular organelle | protein-containing complex | protein-DNA complex | nuclear chromosome | transferase complex | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | replisome | membrane-enclosed lumen | delta DNA polymerase complex | intracellular