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QuickView for nAChR;jsessionid=26C292270D3278B77081881CB3809F3D;jsessionid=6AA07BE99985712133F0B975BA6249DE;jsessionid=69946419E9D4655D3BF665173A5580F8;jsessionid=3F97C6FE37023A6E75E0F23C1C75FF39;jsessionid=A7E0FEF4F15B8329721E5B594C752804;jsessionid=3505785E4C4F6139A64C16FC948E4D8B;jsessionid=4F498EAE262F37DE69532CBEBC5DA633;jsessionid=ECA9E018675C97C3EA7D1377F3E2CB76;jsessionid=D6DCCBBA1F912ECE57B9B8AC6ACF3826;jsessionid=D7C3EF6677FFDD8B2CC700CEFE2A751A;jsessionid=5AB8B6ADA949BD696D1F2518F37A7766;jsessionid=3AF94F8A9A9FE655631E8D8A9A1CA1F0;jsessionid=02FB6A595D9232415B9022CACF6CA167 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
Chrnb3 Rattus norvegicus Rattus norvegicus
Full name:
cholinergic receptor nicotinic beta 3 subunit
neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit beta-3, cholinergic receptor, nicotinic beta 3, cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta 3 (neuronal), cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta polypeptide 3
Genomic Location:
Chr 16: 69028625-69069275
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit beta 3
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

transmitter-gated ion channel activity | acetylcholine-gated cation-selective channel activity | neurotransmitter receptor activity | cation binding | passive transmembrane transporter activity | neurotransmitter binding | transmembrane signaling receptor activity | transmembrane transporter activity | ligand-gated ion channel activity | ion gated channel activity | neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential | transmitter-gated ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential | cation transmembrane transporter activity | acetylcholine receptor activity | signaling receptor activity | transporter activity | ion transmembrane transporter activity | extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | ion binding | acetylcholine binding | hormone binding | excitatory extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | cation channel activity | inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity | channel activity | drug binding | ion channel activity | substrate-specific channel activity

GO Biological Process

transmitter-gated ion channel activity | acetylcholine-gated cation-selective channel activity | establishment of localization | excitatory postsynaptic potential | response to drug | cellular process | localization | passive transmembrane transporter activity | chemical synaptic transmission | regulation of cellular process | transmembrane transporter activity | ligand-gated ion channel activity | cellular component organization | response to stimulus | ion gated channel activity | neurotransmitter receptor activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential | cellular component assembly | cell-cell signaling | cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in cell-cell signaling | transmitter-gated ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential | regulation of membrane potential | response to nicotine | protein complex oligomerization | ion transmembrane transport | regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential | nervous system process | synaptic signaling | cation transmembrane transporter activity | ion transmembrane transporter activity | extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | response to toxic substance | cell communication | neuromuscular synaptic transmission | cation transmembrane transport | protein-containing complex assembly | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | excitatory extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | cation channel activity | transmembrane transport | signaling | inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity | protein heterooligomerization | cation transport | channel activity | synaptic transmission, cholinergic | ion channel activity | ion transport | substrate-specific channel activity | signal transduction | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

integral component of membrane | synapse | neuron projection | cell | plasma membrane protein complex | intrinsic component of membrane | synaptic membrane | receptor complex | protein-containing complex | cell projection | postsynaptic membrane | postsynapse | plasma membrane | integral component of plasma membrane | cell periphery | transmembrane transporter complex | ion channel complex | cell junction | acetylcholine-gated channel complex | membrane | intrinsic component of plasma membrane