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QuickView for rsks-1;jsessionid=64A8880BB40D1C85DED69B1D13753F1C;jsessionid=905A092E3E8B4F65040E125102FBBC1C;jsessionid=9621CCB3FAD44142783E23A899686E92;jsessionid=79886E6022724719B74B08911E7C3864 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
RPS6KB1 Canis lupus familiaris Canis lupus familiaris
Full name:
ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 70kDa, polypeptide 1
Genomic Location:
Chr 9: 37709213-37750256
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster C. elegans Macaca mulatta Bos taurus Danio rerio Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
GATA1_01 EVI1_04 HFH1_01 FOXD3_01 OCT1_03 AP4_Q5 AP4_Q6 GFI1_01 OLF1_01 LMO2COM_01

Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

ribonucleotide binding | nucleotide binding | carbohydrate derivative binding | catalytic activity | ATP binding | anion binding | adenyl nucleotide binding | purine nucleotide binding | ion binding | organic cyclic compound binding | purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding | transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups | phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor | protein kinase activity | transferase activity | purine ribonucleotide binding | adenyl ribonucleotide binding | protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity | drug binding | kinase activity | heterocyclic compound binding | small molecule binding

GO Biological Process

long-chain fatty acid transport | negative regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus | response to cytokine | behavioral fear response | developmental process involved in reproduction | intracellular signal transduction | lipid transport | regulation of programmed cell death | peptidyl-amino acid modification | establishment of localization | response to hormone | negative regulation of cellular process | response to dexamethasone | cell differentiation | defense response | response to drug | cellular process | monocarboxylic acid transport | localization | negative regulation of signaling | TOR signaling | anion transport | multicellular organismal reproductive process | macromolecule localization | negative regulation of apoptotic process | regulation of cell cycle | response to growth factor | gamete generation | negative regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway | regulation of cellular process | regulation of apoptotic process | cellular response to lipid | cellular response to interferon-gamma | response to stimulus | cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus | response to stress | germ cell development | reproduction | cell cycle G1/S phase transition | cellular response to organic cyclic compound | protein modification process | macromolecule modification | protein kinase B signaling | cellular response to hormone stimulus | nitrogen compound metabolic process | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | phosphorus metabolic process | positive regulation of cell cycle | positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle | regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway | fatty acid transport | organic substance transport | response to ketone | response to lipid | cell cycle | negative regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway | response to corticosteroid | organic acid transport | negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway | cellular response to cytokine stimulus | cellular response to glucocorticoid stimulus | organic anion transport | phosphorylation | regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway | response to xenobiotic stimulus | mitotic cell cycle phase transition | protein phosphorylation | cellular response to corticosteroid stimulus | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | cellular response to drug | cell communication | G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle | regulation of mitotic cell cycle | multicellular organism reproduction | multicellular organismal response to stress | fear response | protein metabolic process | response to organic substance | response to antineoplastic agent | anatomical structure development | mitotic cell cycle | metabolic process | lipid localization | negative regulation of programmed cell death | behavior | immune response | protein kinase activity | organic substance metabolic process | long-chain fatty acid import | regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway | regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus | cellular response to steroid hormone stimulus | response to interferon-gamma | cellular response to dexamethasone stimulus | regulation of cell communication | negative regulation of signal transduction | signaling | response to organic cyclic compound | cell development | cellular protein metabolic process | carboxylic acid transport | protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity | kinase activity | developmental process | behavioral defense response | peptidyl-serine phosphorylation | cellular protein modification process | innate immune response | cell cycle phase transition | ion transport | immune system process | cellular metabolic process | cellular response to organic substance | regulation of cell death | response to steroid hormone | negative regulation of cell death | sexual reproduction | signal transduction | regulation of signaling | response to glucocorticoid | cellular response to growth factor stimulus | macromolecule metabolic process | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | nuclear lumen | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | nucleoplasm | mitochondrion | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | membrane-enclosed lumen | intracellular