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QuickView for wnt5a;jsessionid=FE759812F2952768623A6FE27A363F77 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
WNT5A Canis lupus familiaris Canis lupus familiaris
Full name:
wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5A
Genomic Location:
Chr 20: 37772286-37782751
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names
No proteins found.

GO Molecular Function

transcription regulatory region DNA binding | nucleic acid binding | signaling receptor binding | molecular function regulator | protein domain specific binding | frizzled binding | DNA binding | receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor binding | organic cyclic compound binding | chemoattractant activity involved in axon guidance | protein binding | receptor regulator activity | DNA-binding transcription factor activity | G-protein coupled receptor binding | receptor ligand activity | cytokine activity | chemoattractant activity | heterocyclic compound binding

GO Biological Process

positive regulation of immune response | regulation of JUN kinase activity | regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis | brain development | limb development | positive regulation of macrophage cytokine production | non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway via MAPK cascade | regulation of interleukin-1 beta production | cell morphogenesis | olfactory bulb interneuron differentiation | inner ear morphogenesis | regulation of cell cycle process | positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process | positive regulation of locomotion | planar cell polarity pathway involved in ventricular septum morphogenesis | activation of GTPase activity | negative regulation of embryonic development | response to cytokine | positive regulation of cellular component organization | cell motility | regulation of cell morphogenesis | regulation of neurogenesis | neuron projection morphogenesis | response to lipopolysaccharide | developmental process involved in reproduction | regulation of cellular localization | muscle tissue development | intracellular signal transduction | regulation of synapse assembly | positive regulation of apoptotic process | mesenchymal-epithelial cell signaling | regulation of cell development | regulation of localization | mammary gland duct morphogenesis | morphogenesis of an epithelium | positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity | regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance | gonad development | regulation of programmed cell death | positive regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation | forebrain morphogenesis | regulation of meiotic cell cycle | paraxial mesoderm morphogenesis | regulation of immune system process | negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway | negative regulation of cellular process | positive regulation of developmental process | regulation of MAP kinase activity | epithelial cell proliferation involved in mammary gland duct elongation | negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | embryonic appendage morphogenesis | response to metal ion | cell differentiation | positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation | positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation | respiratory tube development | hindgut development | defense response | negative regulation of fat cell differentiation | nervous system development | epithelial to mesenchymal transition | positive regulation of protein catabolic process | type B pancreatic cell differentiation | melanocyte proliferation | cell part morphogenesis | neurogenesis | positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion | positive regulation of cell adhesion | positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process | planar cell polarity pathway involved in cardiac right atrium morphogenesis | regulation of organelle organization | positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation | positive regulation of cellular component movement | convergent extension | establishment or maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity | generation of neurons | positive regulation of protein secretion | mesenchyme development | non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development | planar cell polarity pathway involved in axon guidance | cardiac atrium morphogenesis | pattern specification process | regulation of neuron death | positive regulation of GTPase activity | positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process | cellular process | negative regulation of axonogenesis | positive regulation of cartilage development | regulation of cytokine biosynthetic process | regulation of cell motility | localization | cell projection morphogenesis | cervix development | epithelial tube morphogenesis | limb morphogenesis | mesoderm morphogenesis | heart morphogenesis | type B pancreatic cell development | negative regulation of signaling | developmental growth | positive regulation of immune effector process | negative regulation of synapse organization | positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation | neuron development | negative regulation of developmental growth | central nervous system neuron differentiation | determination of left/right symmetry | notochord morphogenesis | reproductive system development | canonical Wnt signaling pathway | mesoderm development | positive regulation of macrophage activation | regulation of embryonic development | immune system development | hindgut morphogenesis | negative regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation | positive regulation of protein kinase activity | macromolecule localization | regulation of response to cytokine stimulus | regulation of chemotaxis | glandular epithelial cell differentiation | negative regulation of apoptotic process | digestive tract morphogenesis | axon guidance | positive regulation of T cell apoptotic process | regulation of cell cycle | response to growth factor | positive regulation of catalytic activity | serotonergic neuron axon guidance | positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | forebrain neuron differentiation | Wnt signaling pathway involved in midbrain dopaminergic neuron differentiation | regulation of neuron projection development | diencephalon development | response to inorganic substance | regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | negative regulation of cellular metabolic process | tissue development | regulation of binding | regulation of fat cell differentiation | dopaminergic neuron axon guidance | regulation of cell differentiation | muscle structure development | ventricular septum morphogenesis | regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process | regulation of angiogenesis | positive regulation of interleukin-8 production | morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium | regulation of immune response | regulation of cellular process | regulation of apoptotic process | cellular response to lipid | regulation of metabolic process | pituitary gland development | positive regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade | cardiac right atrium morphogenesis | negative regulation of chemotaxis | negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | cellular response to molecule of bacterial origin | polarized epithelial cell differentiation | positive regulation of interferon-gamma production | positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | positive regulation of hair cycle | epithelium development | regulation of axon guidance | regulation of establishment of planar polarity | establishment of cell polarity | endocrine pancreas development | cellular component organization | negative regulation of cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | MAPK cascade | response to transforming growth factor beta | planar cell polarity pathway involved in heart morphogenesis | cellular response to metal ion | urogenital system development | positive regulation of protein binding | positive regulation of epithelial cell migration | cellular response to interferon-gamma | positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production | mammary gland morphogenesis | development of primary sexual characteristics | head development | positive regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway | regulation of peptide secretion | positive regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade | muscle organ morphogenesis | regulation of vasculature development | response to stimulus | positive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production | cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation | regulation of cellular protein localization | regulation of interleukin-8 secretion | embryonic limb morphogenesis | midgut development | respiratory system development | JNK cascade | positive regulation of innate immune response | planar cell polarity pathway involved in cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis | paraxial mesoderm development | embryonic epithelial tube formation | positive regulation of immune system process | positive regulation of protein metabolic process | non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway via JNK cascade | signal transduction by protein phosphorylation | positive regulation of protein kinase C signaling | determination of heart left/right asymmetry | mesoderm formation | gland morphogenesis | response to stress | neuron projection guidance | positive regulation of chemokine biosynthetic process | hypophysis morphogenesis | positive regulation of T cell migration | regulation of cell proliferation | negative regulation of neuron projection development | roof of mouth development | tube morphogenesis | cardiac muscle tissue development | positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion | muscle tissue morphogenesis | epithelial cell development | positive regulation of protein kinase C activity | positive regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process | positive regulation of cytokine biosynthetic process | positive regulation of cell activation | epithelial tube formation | reproduction | cellular response to inorganic substance | cellular localization | embryonic skeletal system development | positive regulation of cytokine secretion | midbrain development | response to molecule of bacterial origin | axis elongation | blastoderm segmentation | chemorepulsion of axon | regulation of protein transport | brain morphogenesis | positive regulation of meiotic cell cycle | negative regulation of metabolic process | regulation of cellular component size | positive regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity | positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | hemopoiesis | regulation of axon extension | protein modification process | pericardium development | regulation of synapse structure or activity | positive regulation of hair follicle development | regulation of peptide transport | regulation of cell adhesion | Wnt signaling pathway, planar cell polarity pathway | embryo development | regulation of morphogenesis of a branching structure | macromolecule modification | negative regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway | cell-cell signaling | planar cell polarity pathway involved in gastrula mediolateral intercalation | activation of protein kinase activity | molecular function regulator | cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in cell-cell signaling | positive chemotaxis | stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade | anterior/posterior pattern specification | regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | positive regulation of peptide secretion | regulation of cellular response to stress | locomotion | positive regulation of response to cytokine stimulus | central nervous system neuron development | response to external biotic stimulus | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | enteroendocrine cell differentiation | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | positive regulation of organelle organization | Wnt signaling pathway | negative regulation of growth | positive regulation of neuron projection development | lateral sprouting involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis | regulation of cartilage development | multicellular organism development | cell migration | olfactory bulb interneuron development | positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor secretion | regulation of MAPK cascade | regulation of BMP signaling pathway | phosphorus metabolic process | positive regulation of inflammatory response | mammary gland development | regulation of axonogenesis | chemoattraction of serotonergic neuron axon | regulation of catalytic activity | regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity | vagina development | forebrain neuron development | regulation of phosphorylation | regulation of ossification | positive regulation of lymphocyte migration | wound healing | telencephalon development | positive regulation of cell cycle | determination of bilateral symmetry | regulation of neuron differentiation | regulation of gene expression | positive regulation of chemotaxis | lateral sprouting from an epithelium | stem cell proliferation | convergent extension involved in organogenesis | pancreas development | axon development | positive regulation of secretion | neural tube closure | outflow tract morphogenesis | cellular response to stress | response to lipid | embryonic axis specification | regulation of epidermis development | regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | embryonic heart tube morphogenesis | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | positive regulation of protein phosphorylation | animal organ morphogenesis | regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin | regulation of synapse organization | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | olfactory lobe development | regulation of cell migration | positive regulation of JNK cascade | cardiac atrium development | positive regulation of cell projection organization | negative regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus | establishment or maintenance of monopolar cell polarity | positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction | neural tube formation | regulation of hair follicle development | regulation of cellular component movement | regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet | axonogenesis | positive regulation of hydrolase activity | positive regulation of neuron projection arborization | positive regulation of cell differentiation | regulation of endothelial cell migration | activation of protein kinase B activity | non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway | epidermal cell differentiation | positive regulation of cell migration | cellular response to cytokine stimulus | cell proliferation | stress-activated MAPK cascade | neural tube development | regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | positive regulation of ossification | mesenchyme morphogenesis | positive regulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway | regulation of melanin biosynthetic process | planar cell polarity pathway involved in outflow tract morphogenesis | phosphorylation | cardiac septum morphogenesis | positive regulation of interleukin-1 secretion | digestive tract development | convergent extension involved in axis elongation | mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation | glandular epithelial cell development | positive regulation of neuron death | heart looping | positive regulation of chemokine production | epidermis development | positive regulation of leukocyte apoptotic process | regulation of GTPase activity | skin development | mediolateral intercalation | endocrine system development | protein phosphorylation | regulation of tumor necrosis factor production | cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | keratinocyte differentiation | establishment or maintenance of cell polarity | regulation of leukocyte migration | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | sensory organ development | gastrulation with mouth forming second | regulation of macrophage activation | response to bacterium | regulation of interleukin-1 production | chordate embryonic development | striated muscle tissue development | regulation of timing of anagen | cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis | cell communication | regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of protein kinase activity | female genitalia development | olfactory bulb development | positive regulation of interleukin-1 production | hematopoietic stem cell proliferation | anterior/posterior axis specification | positive regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis | regulation of T cell apoptotic process | chemoattractant activity involved in axon guidance | regulation of T cell migration | planar cell polarity pathway involved in pericardium morphogenesis | regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response | regulation of protein kinase C signaling | regulation of protein metabolic process | positive regulation of signal transduction | inner ear development | heart development | positive regulation of cell proliferation | positive regulation of establishment of protein localization | regulation of protein phosphorylation | regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway | regulation of locomotion | embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching | regulation of RNA metabolic process | cochlea morphogenesis | renal system development | positive regulation of transport | genitalia development | positive regulation of meiotic nuclear division | establishment of planar polarity | negative regulation of cell growth | regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus | embryonic morphogenesis | positive regulation of molecular function | cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus | notochord development | regulation of cytokine secretion | secondary palate development | neuron differentiation | diencephalon morphogenesis | activation of MAPK activity | embryonic organ morphogenesis | positive regulation of myeloid leukocyte cytokine production involved in immune response | Wnt signaling pathway, calcium modulating pathway | regulation of signaling receptor activity | receptor regulator activity | development of primary male sexual characteristics | regulation of cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | ventricular septum development | negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation | protein metabolic process | regulation of fibroblast proliferation | positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin | DNA-binding transcription factor activity | regulation of establishment of protein localization | regionalization | cardiac ventricle development | axis specification | positive regulation of protein modification process | regulation of growth | cellular response to calcium ion | response to organic substance | gland development | regulation of innate immune response | regulation of meiotic nuclear division | negative regulation of cell projection organization | tissue morphogenesis | negative regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance | digestive system development | regulation of prostatic bud formation | branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube | epithelial cell proliferation | regulation of kinase activity | male sex differentiation | response to wounding | regulation of animal organ morphogenesis | regulation of establishment of planar polarity involved in neural tube closure | regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity | regulation of intracellular signal transduction | post-anal tail morphogenesis | establishment of tissue polarity | embryonic heart tube development | anatomical structure development | developmental growth involved in morphogenesis | branch elongation of an epithelium | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | positive regulation of neurogenesis | regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation | cell projection organization | metabolic process | positive regulation of cell development | mesenchymal cell differentiation | regulation of protein catabolic process | regulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion | regulation of thymocyte apoptotic process | regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | positive regulation of leukocyte activation | establishment or maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity | primitive streak formation | negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | negative regulation of programmed cell death | embryonic organ development | male gonad development | development of secondary sexual characteristics | regulation of cytokine secretion involved in immune response | positive regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response | mesodermal to mesenchymal transition involved in gastrulation | cellular protein localization | ear development | regulation of vesicle-mediated transport | negative regulation of axon extension | forebrain generation of neurons | regulation of secretion | positive regulation of cell death | morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium | receptor ligand activity | development of secondary female sexual characteristics | positive regulation of interleukin-6 production | immune response | positive regulation of interleukin-8 secretion | establishment of monopolar cell polarity | midbrain dopaminergic neuron differentiation | positive regulation of T cell chemotaxis | neuron projection development | regulation of non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway | cytokine activity | organic substance metabolic process | negative regulation of biosynthetic process | chemoattractant activity | regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway | negative regulation of gene expression | animal organ development | regulation of endothelial cell proliferation | forebrain development | negative regulation of neuron differentiation | establishment of epithelial cell polarity | regulation of cell activation | negative regulation of cellular component movement | mammary gland branching involved in thelarche | positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity | regulation of protein secretion | positive regulation of leukocyte migration | positive regulation of G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway | anterior/posterior axis specification, embryo | positive regulation of programmed cell death | positive regulation of kinase activity | regulation of tumor necrosis factor secretion | regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | regulation of phosphate metabolic process | pericardium morphogenesis | positive regulation of cytokine secretion involved in immune response | mammary gland epithelium development | positive regulation of binding | response to interferon-gamma | positive regulation of cytokine production | dopaminergic neuron differentiation | regulation of JNK cascade | positive regulation of endothelial cell migration | positive regulation of MAPK cascade | negative regulation of melanin biosynthetic process | positive regulation of timing of anagen | lung development | positive regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process | regulation of lymphocyte chemotaxis | morphogenesis of a branching epithelium | positive regulation of protein transport | positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation | planar cell polarity pathway involved in axis elongation | anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis | uterus development | regulation of epithelial cell migration | regulation of animal organ formation | convergent extension involved in gastrulation | establishment of apical/basal cell polarity | positive regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway | regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade | regulation of cell communication | paraxial mesoderm formation | negative regulation of signal transduction | signaling | somite development | regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | regulation of protein binding | cell development | embryonic digit morphogenesis | regulation of endocytosis | regulation of developmental growth | protein localization | regulation of epithelial cell proliferation | positive regulation of phosphorylation | cell migration involved in gastrulation | cellular protein metabolic process | regulation of cell size | regulation of cytokine production | morphogenesis of a branching structure | anatomical structure morphogenesis | cellular macromolecule localization | positive regulation of MAP kinase activity | response to biotic stimulus | reproductive structure development | regulation of nervous system development | regulation of developmental process | regulation of G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway | segmentation | regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation | developmental process | negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | positive regulation of cell cycle process | regulation of cell growth | cardiac septum development | cellular protein modification process | branch elongation involved in mammary gland duct branching | regulation of chemokine production | columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development | negative chemotaxis | tube development | regulation of transport | positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | negative regulation of cell proliferation in midbrain | negative regulation of cell proliferation | regulation of cell-cell adhesion | regulation of hair cycle | urinary bladder development | negative regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation | innate immune response | positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation | negative regulation of prostatic bud formation | positive regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | cochlea development | tube closure | epithelial cell differentiation | formation of primary germ layer | positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | positive regulation of epidermis development | cardiac chamber development | somitogenesis | tube formation | positive regulation of JUN kinase activity | response to calcium ion | central nervous system development | positive regulation of metabolic process | negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | positive regulation of neuron differentiation | regulation of branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis | chemorepulsion of dopaminergic neuron axon | regulation of cell projection organization | regulation of interferon-gamma production | skeletal system development | gastrulation | immune system process | positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | cellular metabolic process | hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development | chemoattraction of axon | female sex differentiation | ameboidal-type cell migration | cellular response to organic substance | regulation of protein localization | regulation of cell death | sex differentiation | activation of JUN kinase activity | positive regulation of cell motility | establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity | negative regulation of cell death | negative regulation of cell development | regulation of interleukin-6 production | circulatory system development | regulation of inflammatory response | branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis | chemotaxis | ear morphogenesis | negative regulation of synapse assembly | negative regulation of locomotion | positive regulation of endocytosis | positive regulation of angiogenesis | regulation of lymphocyte migration | regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling | negative regulation of cell differentiation | regulation of cellular component organization | muscle organ development | response to other organism | positive regulation of signaling | regulation of T cell chemotaxis | signal transduction | regulation of signaling | positive regulation of gene expression | embryonic pattern specification | cellular response to growth factor stimulus | planar cell polarity pathway involved in neural tube closure | cellular response to lipopolysaccharide | macromolecule metabolic process | negative regulation of neurogenesis | multicellular organismal process | face development | regulation of phosphorus metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

integral component of membrane | extracellular matrix | cell | intrinsic component of membrane | extracellular region | extracellular space | cell surface | intracellular | membrane