See a top-level view of all the information Correlation Engine has about a gene, SNP, sequence region, biogroup, bioset, phenotype, compound, tissue, or keyword.
1 Query.
Enter a gene, SNP, sequence region, phenotype, tissue, compound, biogroup, or any keyword.

You can also select a term from the auto-complete menu.
To see the top 5 results from each app:
- Click the QuickView icon
in the app menu. (You can do this from any page.)
- If you're already on a QuickView page, press Enter on your keyboard, or click the QuickView button next to the query field.
You can also query QuickView with a bioset.
- Find a study with a bioset you're interested in. You can:
- Click the "All Curated Studies" button from any Curated Studies page;
- Explore the studies listed in your query results;
- Click My Studies in the left sidebar to explore studies created by or shared with you. (To import your own data, click the Import Your Data button in the left sidebar.)
- Click the title of the study you want to examine.
- Click the QuickView icon
next to a bioset's name.
2 Expand.
Click a result's name to expand that result.

Or, click the app icon in a results section to query that app.
3 Explore.
To see information about your query term collected from public databases:
- Click the General Info tab on your QuickView results page.