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Mutation of the gene encoding γ-sarcoglycan (SGCG), an integral membrane protein responsible for maintaining the integrity of the muscle cell sarcolemma, results in Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD), a congenital disease with no current treatment options. This member of the sarcoglycan glycoprotein family is a vital component of the Dystrophin Complex, which together facilitate normal muscle function. However, very little is known about the structure and dynamics of these proteins, and of membrane glycoproteins in general. This is due to a number of factors, including their complexity, heterogeneity and highly-specific native environments. The expression, purification, and structural study of membrane proteins is further impeded by their hydrophobic nature and consequent propensity to aggregate in aqueous solutions. Here, we report the first successful expression and purification of milligram quantities of full-length recombinant SGCG, utilizing fusion protein-guided overexpression to inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli. Purification of SGCG from the fusion protein, TrpΔLE, was facilitated using chemical cleavage. Cleavage products were then isolated by size-exclusion chromatography. Successful purification of the protein was confirmed using SDS-PAGE and mass spectroscopy. Finally, solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of uniformly 15N-labeled SGCG in detergent environments was performed, yielding the first spectra of the full-length membrane glycoprotein, SGCG. These results represent the initial structural studies of SGCG, laying the foundation for further investigation on the interaction and dynamics of other integral membrane proteins. More specifically, this data allows for opportunities in the future for enhanced treatment modalities and cures for LGMD. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Michael Jamaleddine, Michael S Harris, Leshani Liyanage, Gabriel A Cook. Expression, purification, and structural analysis of the full-length human integral membrane protein γ-sarcoglycan. Protein expression and purification. 2020 Mar;167:105525

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PMID: 31682967

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