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Elevated triglycerides and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). ARO-ANG3 is an RNA interference therapy that targets angiopoietin-like protein 3 (ANGPTL3), a regulator of lipoprotein metabolism. This first-in-human, phase 1, randomized, placebo-controlled, open-label trial investigated single and repeat ARO-ANG3 doses in four cohorts of fifty-two healthy participants and one cohort of nine participants with hepatic steatosis, part of a basket trial. Safety (primary objective) and pharmacokinetics (in healthy participants) and pharmacodynamics (secondary objectives) of ARO-ANG3 were evaluated. ARO-ANG3 was generally well tolerated, with similar frequencies of treatment-emergent adverse events in active and placebo groups. Systemic absorption of ARO-ANG3 in healthy participants was rapid and sustained, with a mean Tmax of 6.0-10.5 h and clearance from plasma within 24-48 h after dosing with a mean t½ of 3.9-6.6 h. In healthy participants, ARO-ANG3 treatment reduced ANGPTL3 (mean -45% to -78%) 85 days after dose. Reductions in triglyceride (median -34% to -54%) and non-HDL-C (mean -18% to -29%) (exploratory endpoints) concentrations occurred with the three highest doses. These early-phase data support ANGPTL3 as a potential therapeutic target for ASCVD treatment. identifier: NCT03747224. © 2023. Crown.


Gerald F Watts, Christian Schwabe, Russell Scott, Patrick A Gladding, David Sullivan, John Baker, Peter Clifton, James Hamilton, Bruce Given, Stacey Melquist, Rong Zhou, Ting Chang, Javier San Martin, Daniel Gaudet, Ira J Goldberg, Joshua W Knowles, Robert A Hegele, Christie M Ballantyne. RNA interference targeting ANGPTL3 for triglyceride and cholesterol lowering: phase 1 basket trial cohorts. Nature medicine. 2023 Sep;29(9):2216-2223

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PMID: 37626170

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