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  • factors (1)
  • humans (1)
  • importin α (1)
  • importin α (2)
  • NLS (3)
  • protein human (1)
  • proteins bind (1)
  • signal (2)
  • YAP1 (2)
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    In this issue, the discovery by Yang et al. ( that folded WW domains of YAP1 and other proteins bind to Impα introduces a new class of globular NLS, contrasting with the extensively studied linear NLS motifs. This finding underscores the versatility of importins in recognizing their cargo proteins. © 2024 Bernardes and Chook.


    Natalia Elisa Bernardes, Yuh Min Chook. WW domains: A globular NLS recognized by importin-α. The Journal of cell biology. 2024 Jun 03;223(6)

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    PMID: 38767621

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