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QuickView for DKKL1;jsessionid=56CBE3A0BB154564F9676CEE39F0B2DC (gene)

Gene Symbol:
DKKL1 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
dickkopf like acrosomal protein 1
CT34, SGY, SGY-1, SGY1, dickkopf-like protein 1, cancer/testis antigen 34, dickkopf-like 1, protein soggy-1, soggy, soggy-1, testicular secretory protein Li 15
Genomic Location:
Chr 19: 54558854-54570185
The dickkopf protein family interacts with the Wnt signaling pathway and its members are characterized by two conserved cysteine-rich domains. This gene encodes a secreted protein that has low sequence similarity to the dickkopf-3 protein. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been found for this gene.
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Macaca mulatta Pan troglodytes Bos taurus Canis lupus familiaris
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 19

GO Molecular Function

receptor antagonist activity | receptor inhibitor activity | signaling receptor binding | molecular function regulator | co-receptor binding | protein binding | receptor regulator activity

GO Biological Process

negative regulation of signaling receptor activity | positive regulation of apoptotic process | regulation of programmed cell death | negative regulation of cellular process | positive regulation of developmental process | receptor antagonist activity | negative regulation of signaling | multicellular organismal reproductive process | negative regulation of lipid biosynthetic process | regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | negative regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of fat cell differentiation | regulation of cell differentiation | regulation of cellular process | regulation of apoptotic process | regulation of metabolic process | receptor inhibitor activity | reproduction | negative regulation of metabolic process | regulation of steroid biosynthetic process | regulation of steroid metabolic process | molecular function regulator | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | regulation of hormone levels | extracellular negative regulation of signal transduction | regulation of ketone biosynthetic process | positive regulation of cell differentiation | regulation of hormone metabolic process | fertilization | penetration of zona pellucida | regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of testosterone biosynthetic process | regulation of lipid biosynthetic process | single fertilization | multicellular organism reproduction | regulation of signaling receptor activity | receptor regulator activity | negative regulation of testosterone biosynthetic process | anatomical structure development | negative regulation of lipid metabolic process | positive regulation of cell death | negative regulation of biosynthetic process | positive regulation of programmed cell death | regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | negative regulation of hormone biosynthetic process | regulation of cell communication | negative regulation of molecular function | negative regulation of signal transduction | anatomical structure morphogenesis | positive regulation of fat cell differentiation | regulation of cellular ketone metabolic process | regulation of developmental process | developmental process | negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | negative regulation of steroid metabolic process | regulation of lipid metabolic process | negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | regulation of cell death | sexual reproduction | negative regulation of steroid biosynthetic process | regulation of signaling | regulation of hormone biosynthetic process | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

secretory granule | cytoplasmic vesicle | cell | cytoplasm | acrosomal vesicle | intracellular organelle | secretory vesicle | endomembrane system | vesicle | extracellular region | membrane-bounded organelle | organelle | extracellular space | intracellular vesicle | intracellular