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QuickView for TI-225;jsessionid=6FEB48DB8A7CD8C8E137E6CA07D9D176;jsessionid=31A107C3526FE52C53D5263D19F8AF5D;jsessionid=C28D60E1E0CC2BEFE71AD58DADE1B01C;jsessionid=40A2449AC161CC6776B2072D4C272F55;jsessionid=8804C0BF2B3EDF4C61B46FE682162526;jsessionid=970D69A1E25D577C95B337FC17FF762C;jsessionid=E5992888D9A999E35819F62C8C8A266B;jsessionid=B73C4B8002936733621D31B95AAC1370;jsessionid=30A6DA161598FF71F0B946BA42D67F45;jsessionid=D7BA6A77788F7E46FBC480797B06257F;jsessionid=972767D2C4BB173B461C6D220564C3B7;jsessionid=47E80A76C45C167C9CACF36FF946CD0A;jsessionid=ACD5CCF0B0F35C89365F46AAF9735049;jsessionid=57D39E4E09A1550747A53B5D70AC63F4;jsessionid=7533BA2D1164383E8AAF1ECE6C40B767;jsessionid=B0C1A9FECE99B0EB6C8C2D4BE976BD5E;jsessionid=1D9B041BA5AC49533895D3E704B8493E;jsessionid=C9D43A37B631A9A2869702251C26373C;jsessionid=0A8B7CC40228317641B2DDC1C144FBE6 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
UBI4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Full name:
SCD2, UB14, UBI4, YLL039C
Genomic Location:
Chr XII: 64061-65206
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster C. elegans Schizosaccharomyces pombe Gallus gallus Bos taurus Pan troglodytes Danio rerio Canis lupus familiaris
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
No transcripts found.
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

ATP-dependent protein binding | protein tag | protein binding

GO Biological Process

protein modification by small protein removal | developmental process involved in reproduction | proteolysis | cell differentiation | cellular process | ascospore formation | protein deubiquitination | reproduction | protein modification process | macromolecule modification | nitrogen compound metabolic process | reproductive process | protein monoubiquitination | cell cycle | protein modification by small protein conjugation | sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore | protein polyubiquitination | protein metabolic process | protein ubiquitination | anatomical structure development | metabolic process | sexual sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore | organic substance metabolic process | protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal | anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis | meiotic cell cycle | cell development | cellular protein metabolic process | anatomical structure morphogenesis | sporulation | developmental process | cellular protein modification process | cellular metabolic process | sexual reproduction | macromolecule metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | protein-containing complex | membrane-bounded organelle | peroxisomal importomer complex | nucleus | organelle | Pex17p-Pex14p docking complex | intracellular