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QuickView for JAP3;jsessionid=D5C9FF1372DE4F88E2279A60F7476D46;jsessionid=CEF6525519FC3C22ADF1C8E46B3BF4E7;jsessionid=FFC12CF7343353625CC4E8BE297DCA77;jsessionid=E59D91EAB19B5946EDFC88C93AC78F59;jsessionid=67D72AF181C3B39BBDB7F1A9908BA964 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
ARNTL Gallus gallus Gallus gallus
Full name:
aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like
Genomic Location:
Chr 5: 8502153-8522873
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster Macaca mulatta Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

sequence-specific DNA binding | transcription factor activity, transcription factor binding | transcription regulatory region DNA binding | RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding | aryl hydrocarbon receptor binding | enhancer binding | repressing transcription factor binding | transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding | proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | nucleic acid binding | signaling receptor binding | enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding | RNA polymerase II regulatory region DNA binding | E-box binding | bHLH transcription factor binding | DNA binding | sequence-specific double-stranded DNA binding | protein heterodimerization activity | organic cyclic compound binding | transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding | protein binding | transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding | RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | double-stranded DNA binding | DNA-binding transcription factor activity | transcription factor binding | protein dimerization activity | RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding | transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding | Hsp90 protein binding | heat shock protein binding | heterocyclic compound binding

GO Biological Process

RNA metabolic process | transcription by RNA polymerase II | negative regulation of TOR signaling | positive regulation of circadian rhythm | transcription factor activity, transcription factor binding | positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process | regulation of neurogenesis | positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development | proteolysis | regulation of cell development | regulation of localization | positive regulation of striated muscle tissue development | regulation of cell aging | establishment of localization | negative regulation of cellular process | RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding | positive regulation of developmental process | negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | cell differentiation | male gamete generation | negative regulation of fat cell differentiation | nervous system development | neurogenesis | regulation of peptide hormone secretion | generation of neurons | intracellular transport | regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation | positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process | cellular process | positive regulation of skeletal muscle cell differentiation | organic substance catabolic process | circadian regulation of gene expression | localization | proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process | protein transport | negative regulation of signaling | multicellular organismal reproductive process | negative regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | regulation of striated muscle tissue development | macromolecule localization | regulation of cell cycle | positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding | regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | establishment of localization in cell | negative regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of fat cell differentiation | regulation of cell differentiation | gamete generation | regulation of cellular process | parturition | regulation of metabolic process | catabolic process | protein import into nucleus | organic cyclic compound metabolic process | positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | RNA biosynthetic process | cellular aromatic compound metabolic process | negative regulation of glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway | regulation of peptide secretion | stress-induced premature senescence | response to stimulus | regulation of insulin secretion | positive regulation of protein metabolic process | response to stress | intracellular protein transport | regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway | cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process | protein localization to nucleus | circadian rhythm | regulation of epithelial cell differentiation | reproduction | cellular protein catabolic process | cellular localization | rhythmic process | cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process | proteasomal protein catabolic process | regulation of protein transport | negative regulation of metabolic process | positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | regulation of peptide transport | cellular biosynthetic process | regulation of TOR signaling | regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | regulation of cellular response to stress | regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | multicellular organism development | protein import into nucleus, translocation | positive regulation of muscle organ development | negative regulation of cold-induced thermogenesis | cellular response to oxidative stress | regulation of hormone levels | regulation of hormone secretion | regulation of gene expression | organic substance transport | cellular response to stress | protein catabolic process | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | peptide transport | regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | response to oxidative stress | protein localization to organelle | import into nucleus | positive regulation of cell differentiation | negative regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway | biosynthetic process | regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | aromatic compound biosynthetic process | oxidative stress-induced premature senescence | protein import | regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of protein metabolic process | positive regulation of signal transduction | regulation of RNA metabolic process | positive regulation of protein acetylation | cell aging | proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process | transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding | multicellular organism reproduction | maternal process involved in parturition | protein metabolic process | DNA-binding transcription factor activity | regulation of establishment of protein localization | positive regulation of protein modification process | regulation of intracellular signal transduction | negative regulation of intracellular signal transduction | cellular macromolecule catabolic process | establishment of protein localization to organelle | anatomical structure development | metabolic process | regulation of protein catabolic process | regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | regulation of type B pancreatic cell development | cellular protein localization | amide transport | regulation of secretion | transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process | organic substance metabolic process | nuclear transport | negative regulation of biosynthetic process | negative regulation of gene expression | gene expression | regulation of protein secretion | regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | establishment of protein localization | positive regulation of muscle tissue development | transcription, DNA-templated | positive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway | ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process | organonitrogen compound catabolic process | regulation of cell communication | cellular senescence | negative regulation of signal transduction | regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | protein localization | cellular protein metabolic process | cellular macromolecule localization | cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process | nucleocytoplasmic transport | regulation of circadian rhythm | regulation of nervous system development | regulation of developmental process | developmental process | spermatogenesis | regulation of transport | positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | regulation of hair cycle | positive regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | heterocycle metabolic process | positive regulation of metabolic process | positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | cellular metabolic process | regulation of protein localization | modification-dependent protein catabolic process | aging | response to redox state | sexual reproduction | negative regulation of cell differentiation | positive regulation of signaling | regulation of signaling | positive regulation of gene expression | regulation of muscle organ development | macromolecule metabolic process | regulation of cellular senescence | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | nuclear lumen | ribonucleoprotein granule | transcription factor complex | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | nuclear body | protein-containing complex | PML body | nucleoplasm | ribonucleoprotein complex | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule | membrane-enclosed lumen | chromatoid body | intracellular