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    The present study aimed to investigate changes of physicochemical and functional properties of the processed cheeses (PCs) made with Cheddar (PC1), Mozzarella (PC2) and both of them at a ratio of 1:1 (PC3) during storage at 4 °C for 4 months. The results showed that the type of natural cheese used affected the composition of PCs with lower fat content in PC2 due to the lower fat content of Mozzarella cheese used. PC2 with lower fat content showed decreased meltability and oil leakage compared with PC1 and PC3. The stretchability of all the samples significantly (P < 0.05) decreased during storage, and PC1 showed lower stretchability. This was confirmed by increased protein hydrolysis of all the samples during the storage with a higher level of proteolysis in PC1, leading to decreased stretchability of PCs. Further low-field nuclear magnetic resonance analysis indicated more entrapped water in cheese due to moisture migration into the cheese matrix that might squeeze the fat globules to aggregate, causing more fat leakage during later stages of storage. This was evidenced by microstructural analysis showing different extents of increase in fat particle sizes and decrease in free serum in all the PC samples over the storage time. Therefore, the present study provides further understanding of the mechanism of quality change of PC during refrigerated storage as affected by proteolytic properties and composition of natural cheese used. © 2024. The Author(s).


    Tongji Liu, Jingwei Wu, Tariq Aziz, Rui Xue, Manal M Khowdiary, Zhennai Yang. Changes of physicochemical and functional properties of processed cheese made with natural cheddar and mozzarella cheeses during refrigerated storage. Scientific reports. 2024 Feb 14;14(1):3714

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    PMID: 38355789

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