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QuickView for Indapamide (compound)

Name: Indapamide
PubChem Compound ID: 3702
Description: A benzamide-sulfonamide-indole. It is called a thiazide-like diuretic but structure is different enough (lacking the thiazo-ring) so it is not clear that the mechanism is comparable.
Molecular formula: C16H16ClN3O3S
Molecular weight: 365.835 g/mol
RHC 2555; SE-1520; Cormil; NINDS_000508; Tandix; KBio2_006533; KBioGR_000393; Benzamide, 3-(aminosulfonyl)-4-chloro-N-(2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-1H-indol-1-yl)- (9CI); Indapamida [INN-Spanish]; EINECS 248-012-7.
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Name: Indapamide
Name (isomeric): DB00808
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A benzamide-sulfonamide-indole. It is called a thiazide-like diuretic but structure is different enough (lacking the thiazo-ring) so it is not clear that the mechanism is comparable.
Indapamida [INN-Spanish]; Indapamidum [INN-Latin]
Brand: Idapamide, Arifon, Cormil, Natrix, Tandix, Indamol, Veroxil, Ipamix, Bajaten, Nu-Indapamide, Lozide, Natrilix, Pressurai, Fludex, Tertensif, Novo-Indapamide, Lozol, Noranat, Apo-Indapamide
Category: Diuretics, Antihypertensive Agents
CAS number: 26807-65-8
Indication: For the treatment of hypertension, alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs, as well as for the treatment of salt and fluid retention associated with congestive heart failure or edema from pregnancy (appropriate only in the management of edema of pathologic origin during pregnancy when clearly needed). Also used for the management of edema as a result of various causes.
Indapamide is an antihypertensive and a diuretic. It contains both a polar sulfamoyl chlorobenzamide moiety and a lipid- soluble methylindoline moiety. Indapamide bears a structural similarity to the triazide diuretics which are known to decrease vascular smooth muscle reactivity. However, it differs chemically from the thiazides in that it does no...
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Mechanism of Action: Indapamide blocks the slow component of delayed rectifier potassium current (IKs) without altering the rapid component (IKr) or the inward rectifier current. Specifically it blocks or antagonizes the action the proteins KCNQ1 and KCNE1. Indapamide is also thought to stimulate the synthesis of the vasodilatory hypotensive prostaglandin PGE2.
Absorption: Rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract.
Protein binding: 71-79%
Biotransformation: Primarily hepatic. Indapamide is an extensively metabolized drug with only about 7+ACU- of the total dose administered, recovered in the urine as unchanged drug during the first 48 hours after administration.
Route of elimination: Indapamide is an extensively metabolized drug, with only about 7% of the total dose administered, recovered in the urine as unchanged drug during the first 48 hours after administration.
Half Life: 14 hours (biphasic)
Toxicity: Side effects include electrolyte imbalance (potassium or salt depletion due to too much fluid loss), nausea, stomach disorders, vomiting, weakness
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Food interaction:
Take without regard to meals. Magnesium, potassium and zinc needs increased.
Drug interaction:
DigitoxinPossible electrolyte variations and arrhythmias
ThiothixeneMay cause additive QTc-prolonging effects. Increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Consider alternate therapy. Thorough risk:benefit assessment is required prior to co-administration.
TrandolaprilThe thiazide diuretic, Indapamide, may increase the hypotensive effect of Trandolapril. Indapamide may also increase the nephrotoxicity of Trandolapril. Monitor for postural hypotension at initiation of concomitant therapy and renal dysfunction during chronic therapy.
VorinostatAdditive QTc prolongation may occur. Consider alternate therapy or monitor for QTc prolongation as this can lead to Torsade de Pointes (TdP).
DigoxinPossible electrolyte variations and arrhythmias
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