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QuickView for Methylergonovine (compound)

Name: Methylergonovine
PubChem Compound ID: 114724
Description: A homolog of ERGONOVINE containing one more CH2 group. (Merck Index, 11th ed)
Molecular formula: C20H25N3O2
Molecular weight: 339.432 g/mol
Name: Methylergonovine
Name (isomeric): DB00353
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A homolog of ERGONOVINE containing one more CH2 group. (Merck Index, 11th ed)
Methylergobrevin; Methylergobasine; Methylergobasin; Methylergonovin; methylergonovine maleate; Methylergometrine; Methylergometrin
Brand: Norforms, Spametrin-M, Metenarin, Methergen, Partergin, Basofortina, Methergine, Methergin, Ryegonovin
Category: Oxytocics
CAS number: 113-42-8
Indication: For the prevention and control of excessive bleeding following vaginal childbirth
Methylergonovine is a semisynthetic ergot alkaloid and a derivative of ergonovine and is used for the prevention and control of postpartum and post-abortion hemorrhage. In general, the effects of all the ergot alkaloids appear to results from their actions as partial agonists or antagonists at adrenergic, dopaminergic, and tryptaminergic receptors....
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Mechanism of Action: Methylergonovine acts directly on the smooth muscle of the uterus and increases the tone, rate, and amplitude of rhythmic contractions through binding and the resultant antagonism of the dopamine D1 receptor. Thus, it induces a rapid and sustained tetanic uterotonic effect which shortens the third stage of labor and reduces blood loss.
Absorption: Absorption is rapid after oral (60% bioavailability) and intramuscular (78% bioavailability) administration.
Biotransformation: Hepatic, with extensive first-pass metabolism.
Route of elimination: Ergot alkaloids are mostly eliminated by hepatic metabolism and excretion, and the decrease in bioavailability following oral administration is probably a result of first-pass metabolism in the liver.
Half Life: 3.39 hours
Toxicity: Signs and symptoms of overexposure: hypertension, seizures, headache, hypotension, nausea, and vomiting.
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Drug interaction:
TramadolIncreased risk of serotonin syndrome. Monitor for symptoms of serotonin syndrome.
DelavirdineThe antiretroviral agent may increase the ergot derivative toxicity
TrimipramineIncreased risk of serotonin syndrome. Monitor for symptoms of serotonin syndrome.
ErythromycinPossible ergotism and severe ischemia with this combination
EpinephrinePossible marked increase of arterial pressure
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