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QuickView for Brimonidine (compound)

Name: brimonidine
PubChem Compound ID: 11236066
Molecular formula: C15H16BrN5O6
Molecular weight: 442.222 g/mol
Name: brimonidine
Name (isomeric): DB00484
Drug Type: small molecule
Brimonidine tartrate; Bromoxidine
Brand: Alphagan, Alphagan P
Category: Adrenergic alpha-Agonists, Antihypertensive Agents, EENT Drugs
CAS number: 59803-98-4
Indication: For the lowering of intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.
Pharmacology: Brimonidine significantly lowers intraocular pressure with minimal effects on cardiovascular and pulmonary parameters. It lowers intraocular pressure by reducing aqueous humor production and increasing uveoscleral outflow.
Mechanism of Action: Brimonidine is an alpha adrenergic receptor agonist (primarily alpha-2). It has a peak ocular hypotensive effect occurring at two hours post-dosing. Fluorophotometric studies in animals and humans suggest that Brimonidine has a dual mechanism of action by reducing aqueous humor production and increasing uveoscleral outflow.
Absorption: Minimal systemic absorption occurs after ocular insertion.
Biotransformation: Metabolized primarily by the liver.
Route of elimination: It is metabolized primarily by the liver. Urinary excretion is the major route of elimination of the drug and its metabolites.
Half Life: 2 hours
Toxicity: Oral LD50 is 50 mg/kg in mice and 100 mg/kg in rats.
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Drug interaction:
PhenelzineMAO Inhibitors like phenelzine may enhance the hypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists (Ophthalmic). The concomitant use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and ophthalmic alpha2 agonists is contraindicated.
LinezolidMAO Inhibitors like linezolid may enhance the hypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists (Ophthalmic). The concomitant use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and ophthalmic alpha2 agonists is contraindicated.
ProcarbazineMAO Inhibitors like procarbazine may enhance the hypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists (Ophthalmic). The concomitant use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and ophthalmic alpha2 agonists is contraindicated.
DroperidolDroperidol may enhance the CNS depressant effect of brimonidine. Consider therapy modification.
RasagilineMAO Inhibitors like rasagiline may enhance the hypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists (Ophthalmic). The concomitant use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and ophthalmic alpha2 agonists is contraindicated.
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