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QuickView for Ethchlorvynol (compound)

Name: Ethchlorvynol
PubChem Compound ID: 3281
Description: A sedative and hypnotic that has been used in the short-term management of INSOMNIA. Its use has been superseded by other drugs.
Molecular formula: C7H9ClO
Molecular weight: 144.598 g/mol
Name: Ethchlorvynol
Name (isomeric): DB00189
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A sedative and hypnotic that has been used in the short-term management of INSOMNIA. Its use has been superseded by other drugs.
Ethchlorvinol; Ethclorvynol; Ethochlorvynol; Etchlorvinolo; Ethchlorvinyl; Ethchlorovynol; Aethyl-chlorvynol; Ethychlorvynol
Brand: Normosan, Serensiloline, Placidil, Roeridorm, Normoson, Placidyl, Alvinol, Serenesil, Nostel, Normonson, Serensil, Serenil, Nromoson, Arvynol
Category: Hypnotics and Sedatives
CAS number: 113-18-8
Indication: Used for short-term hypnotic therapy in the management of insomnia for periods of up to one week in duration; however, this medication generally has been replaced by other sedative-hypnotic agents.
Pharmacology: Ethchlorvynol is a sedative drug and schedule IV (USA) controlled substance. It produces cerebral depression, however the exact mechanism of action is not known.
Mechanism of Action:
Although the exact mechanism of action is unknown, ethchlorvynol appears to depress the central nervous system in a manner similar to that of barbiturates. Barbiturates bind at a distinct binding sites associated with a Cl- ionopore at the GABAA receptor, increasing the duration of time for which the Cl- ionopore is...
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Absorption: Rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract.
Protein binding: 35-50%
Biotransformation: About 90% of a dose is metabolized in the liver. Some ethchlorvynol may also be metabolized in the kidneys. Ethchlorvynol and metabolites undergo extensive enterohepatic recirculation.
Half Life: Plasma half-life is approximately 10 to 20 hours, terminal half-life is 21-100 hours.
Toxicity: Symptoms of overdose include thrombocytopenia.
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Food interaction:
Take with food to reduce irritation.
Avoid alcohol
Drug interaction:
DicumarolEthchlorvynol may decrease the anticoagulant effect of dicumarol.
WarfarinEthchlorvynol may decrease the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.
AnisindioneEthchlorvynol may decrease the anticoagulant effect of anisindione.
AcenocoumarolEthchlorvynol may decrease the anticoagulant effect of acenocoumarol.
