Name: | Atracurium |
PubChem Compound ID: | 10034347 |
Description: | A non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent with short duration of action. Its lack of significant cardiovascular effects and its lack of dependence on good kidney function for elimination provide clinical advantage over alternate non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. |
Molecular formula: | C53H72N2O12+2 |
Molecular weight: | 929.145 g/mol |
Name: | Atracurium |
Name (isomeric): | DB00732 |
Drug Type: | small molecule |
Description: | A non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent with short duration of action. Its lack of significant cardiovascular effects and its lack of dependence on good kidney function for elimination provide clinical advantage over alternate non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. |
Category: | Neuromuscular Nondepolarizing Agents, Nicotinic Antagonists |
CAS number: | 64228-79-1 |
Indication: | For use, as an adjunct to general anesthesia, to facilitate endotracheal intubation and to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation. |
Pharmacology: |
Atracurium is a nondepolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant. Atracurium can be used most advantageously if muscle twitch response to peripheral nerve stimulation is monitored to assess degree of muscle relaxation. The duration of neuromuscular block produced by Atracurium is approximately one third to one half the duration of block by d-tubocurarine, ...
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Mechanism of Action: | Atracurium antagonizes the neurotransmitter action of acetylcholine by binding competitively with cholinergic receptor sites on the motor end-plate. This antagonism is inhibited, and neuromuscular block reversed, by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as neostigmine, edrophonium, and pyridostigmine. |
Half Life: | The elimination half-life is approximately 20 minutes. |
Toxicity: | Excessive doses can be expected to produce enhanced pharmacological effects. Overdosage may increase the risk of histamine release and cardiovascular effects, especially hypotension. |
Affected organisms: | Humans and other mammals |
Drug interaction: |