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QuickView for diazoxide (compound)

Name: Diazoxide
PubChem Compound ID: 3019
Description: A benzothiadiazine derivative that is a peripheral vasodilator used for hypertensive emergencies. It lacks diuretic effect, apparently because it lacks a sulfonamide group.
Molecular formula: C8H7ClN2O2S
Molecular weight: 230.672 g/mol
Prestwick1_000087; Lopac-D-9035; NSC76130; Prestwick0_000087; Hyperstat (TN); Diazoxidum [INN-Latin]; Diazoxide; Dizoxide; Proglycem; Spectrum4_001248.
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Name: Diazoxide
Name (isomeric): DB01119
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A benzothiadiazine derivative that is a peripheral vasodilator used for hypertensive emergencies. It lacks diuretic effect, apparently because it lacks a sulfonamide group.
Brand: Mutabase, Proglycem, Eudemine, Hypertonalum, Hyperstat, Dizoxide, Proglicem
Category: Diuretics, Thiazide, Vasodilator Agents, Antihypertensive Agents
CAS number: 364-98-7
Indication: Used parentally to treat hypertensive emergencies. Also used to treat hypoglycemia secondary to insulinoma.
Pharmacology: Diazoxide is a potassium channel activator, which causes local relaxation in smooth muscle by increasing membrane permeability to potassium ions. This switches off voltage-gated calcium ion channels which inhibits the generation of an action potential.
Mechanism of Action:
As a diuretic, diazoxide inhibits active chloride reabsorption at the early distal tubule via the Na-Cl cotransporter, resulting in an increase in the excretion of sodium, chloride, and water. Thiazides like diazoxide also inhibit sodium ion transport across the renal tubular epithelium through binding to the thiazide sensitive sodium-chloride tran...
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Absorption: Readily absorbed following oral administration.
Protein binding: Very high (more than 90%) to serum proteins.
Biotransformation: Hepatic.
Route of elimination: Proglycem is extensively bound (more than 90%) to serum proteins, and is excreted in the kidneys.
Half Life: 28 ±8.3 hours in normal adults.
Toxicity: Oral LD50 in rat and mouse: 980 mg/kg and 444 mg/kg, respectively.
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Drug interaction:
IndapamideSignificant hyperglycemic effect
TrandolaprilDiazoxide may increase the hypotensive effect of Trandolapril. Monitor for changes in blood pressure.
FosphenytoinDiazoxide decreases the hydantoin effect
PhenytoinDiazoxide decreases the efficacy of phenytoin.
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