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QuickView for Trimeprazine (compound)

Name: Trimeprazine
PubChem Compound ID: 5574
Description: A phenothiazine derivative that is used as an antipruritic.
Molecular formula: C18H22N2S
Molecular weight: 298.447 g/mol
EINECS 201-577-3; 10H-Phenothiazine-10-propanamine, N,N,beta-trimethyl-; Alimemazina [INN-Spanish]; (+-)-Trimeprazine; Teralen; Alimemazinum [INN-Latin]; Trimeprazine; AIDS109744; HSDB 3197; C07172.
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Name: Trimeprazine
Name (isomeric): DB01246
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A phenothiazine derivative that is used as an antipruritic.
Trimeprazine hemi-(+)tartrate; Bayer 1219; Trimeprazine Tartrate; Oxomemazin; Trimeprazine 5,5-dioxide; (+-)-Trimeprazine; Oxomemazine; Oxomemazinum [INN-Latin]; Oxomemazina [INN-Spanish]; Trimeperazine.
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Brand: Temaril, Panectyl, Repeltin, Vallergan, Alimezine, Dosegran, Repetin, Teralen, Levoprome, Doxergan, Imakol, Theralene, Dysedon
Brand name mixture: Vanectyl-P Tablets(Prednisolone + Trimeprazine Tartrate)
Category: Antipruritics, Phenothiazine Derivatives
CAS number: 84-96-8
Indication: Used to prevent and relieve allergic conditions which cause pruritus (itching) and urticaria (some allergic skin reactions).
Trimeprazine (also known as Alimemazine) is a tricyclic antihistamine, similar in structure to the phenothiazine antipsychotics, but differing in the ring-substitution and chain characteristics. Trimeprazine is in the same class of drugs as chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and trifluoperazine (Stelazine); however, unlike the other drugs in this class, tr...
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Mechanism of Action: Trimeprazine competes with free histamine for binding at HA-receptor sites. This antagonizes the effects of histamine on HA-receptors, leading to a reduction of the negative symptoms brought on by histamine HA-receptor binding.
Absorption: Well absorbed in the digestive tract.
Biotransformation: Hepatic
Toxicity: Symptoms of overdose clumsiness or unsteadiness, seizures, severe drowsiness, flushing or redness of face, hallucinations, muscle spasms (especially of neck and back), restlessness, shortness of breath, shuffling walk, tic-like (jerky) movements of head and face, trembling and shaking of hands, and insomnia.
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Drug interaction:
TacrineThe therapeutic effects of the central acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, Tacrine, and/or the anticholinergic, Trimeprazine, may be reduced due to antagonism. The interaction may be beneficial when the anticholinergic action is a side effect. Monitor for decreased efficacy of both agents.
TerfenadineIncreased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
GalantaminePossible antagonism of action
PhentermineDecreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
PhenylpropanolamineDecreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
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