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QuickView for Zinc (compound)

Name: Zinc
PubChem Compound ID: 23994
Description: A metallic element of atomic number 30 and atomic weight 65.38. It is a necessary trace element in the diet, forming an essential part of many enzymes, and playing an important role in protein synthesis and in cell division. Zinc deficiency is associated with ANEMIA, short stature, HYPOGONADISM, impaired WOUND HEALING, and geophagia. It is known by the symbol Zn.
Molecular formula: Zn
Molecular weight: 65.39 g/mol
Zn(II); zincide(-I); zinc(I) cation; 12793-53-2; Zinc Finger Cchc; Active Site Zinc From Subunit A; Zinc Ion On 3-Fold Crystal Axis; Lead refinery vacuum zinc; AIDS-114928; Zinc ++ Ion.
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Name: Zinc
Name (isomeric): DB01593
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: A metallic element of atomic number 30 and atomic weight 65.38. It is a necessary trace element in the diet, forming an essential part of many enzymes, and playing an important role in protein synthesis and in cell division. Zinc deficiency is associated with ANEMIA, short stature, HYPOGONADISM, impaired WOUND HEALING, and geophagia. It is known by the symbol Zn.
Category: Trace Elements
CAS number: 7440-66-6
Drug interaction:
GemifloxacinFormation of non-absorbable complexes
TetracyclineFormation of non-absorbable complexes
OfloxacinFormation of non-absorbable complexes
NorfloxacinFormation of non-absorbable complexes
DoxycyclineFormation of non-absorbable complexes
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