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QuickView for Dexamethasone (compound)

Name: Dexamethasone
PubChem Compound ID: 11014684
Description: An anti-inflammatory 9-fluoro-glucocorticoid.
Molecular formula: C22H29FO5
Molecular weight: 392.461 g/mol
Name: Dexamethasone
Name (isomeric): DB01234
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: An anti-inflammatory 9-fluoro-glucocorticoid.
Dexamethasone Acetate; Desametasone [DCIT]; Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate; Dexamethasonum [INN-Latin]; Fluormethylprednisolone; Dexamethazone; Desamethasone; Desametasone; Dexametasona [INN-Spanish]
Brand: Dexadeltone, Dezone, Dexair, Dexacidin, Pet Derm Iii, Aphtasolon, Gammacorten, Maxitrol, Dergramin, Dexa-Scheroson, Dexone 0.75, Policort, Calonat, Aeroseb-Dex, Dexaprol, Dexa Mamallet, Hexadecadrol, Dexa-Cortidelt, IontoDex, Auxiron, Hexadrol Tablets, Ocu-Trol, Hl-Dex, Dexa-Mamallet, Prednisolon F, Decaderm, Cortisumman, Dextelan, Decacort, Dexasone, Dexonium, Dinormon, Adexone, Lokalison F, Deronil, Dexone 1.5, Loverine, Prednisolone F, Turbinaire, Dex-Ide, Desameton, Decagel, Mymethasone, Dexafarma, Dexone 0.5, Superprednol, Anaflogistico, Dekacort, Bisu Ds, Posurdex, Dexamonozon, Maxidex, Mediamethasone, Decasone, Fortecortin, Decadron, Corson, Sunia Sol D, Pet-Derm Iii, Dexa-Sine, Millicorten, Oradexon, Decalix, Hexadrol, Aphthasolone, Dexamethasone Intensol, Dexa-Cortisyl, Fluorocort, Luxazone, Dexa, Dexone, Decaspray, Hexadrol Elixir, Dexacen-4, Deltafluorene, Azium, Decacortin, Dexinolon, Fluormone, Dexason, Aeroseb-D, Dexameth, Desadrene, Dexaltin, Dexacortin, Dexacort, Dexapolcort, Dexapos, Decadron Tablets, Elixir, Decadron-La, Dexinoral, Visumetazone, Deseronil, Mexidex, Dexone 4, Spoloven, Dexalona, Corsone, Sk-Dexamethasone, Isopto-Dex, Dexacortal, Dectancyl
Brand name mixture:
Endomethasone Ivory(Dexamethasone + Hydrocortisone Acetate + Paraformaldehyde + Thymol Iodide), Sofracort Sterile Ear/Eye Drops(Dexamethasone (Dexamethasone Sodium Metasulphobenzoate) + Framycetin Sulfate + Gramicidin), Tresaderm Dermatologic Solution(Dexamethasone + Neomycin (Neomycin Sulfate) + Thiabendazole), Dioptrol Ointment(Dexamethasone +...
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Category: Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal, Adrenergic Agents, Antiemetics, Glucocorticoids, Anti-inflammatory Agents
CAS number: 50-02-2
Indication: <B>Injection:</B> for the treatment of endocrine disorders, rheumatic D=disorders, collagen diseases, dermatologic diseases, allergic statesc, ophthalmic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, hematologic disorders, neoplastic diseases, edematous states, cerebral edema. <br><B>Ophthalmic ointment and solution:</B> for the treatment of steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva, cornea, and anterior segment of the globe. <br><B>Ophthalmic solution only:</B> for the treatment of steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the external auditory meatus <br><B>Topic cream:</B> for relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses <br><B>Oral aerosol:</B> for the treatment of bronchial asthma and related corticosteroid responsive bronchospastic states intractable to adequate trial of conventional therapy <br><B>Intranasal aerosol:</B> for the treatment of allergic ot inflammatory nasal conditions, and nasal polyps
Dexamethasone and its derivatives, dexamethasone sodium phosphate and dexamethasone acetate, are synthetic glucocorticoids. Used for its antiinflammatory or immunosuppressive properties and ability to penetrate the CNS, dexamethasone is used alone to manage cerebral edema and with tobramycin to treat corticosteroid-responsive inflammatory ocular co...
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Mechanism of Action:
Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid agonist. Unbound dexamethasone crosses cell membranes and binds with high affinity to specific cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptors. This complex binds to DNA elements (glucocorticoid response elements) which results in a modification of transcription and, hence, protein synthesis in order to achieve inhibition of ...
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Absorption: 80-90%
Protein binding: 70%
Biotransformation: Hepatic.
Half Life: 36-54 hours
Toxicity: Oral, rat LD50: >3 gm/kg. Signs of overdose include retinal toxicity, glaucoma, subcapsular cataract, gastrointestinal bleeding, pancreatitis, aseptic bone necrosis, osteoporosis, myopathies, obesity, edemas, hypertension, proteinuria, diabetes, sleep disturbances, psychiatric syndromes, delayed wound healing, atrophy and fragility of the skin, ecchymosis, and pseudotumor cerebri.
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Food interaction:
Avoid alcohol.
Take with food to reduce irritation.
Avoid taking with grapefruit juice.
Drug interaction:
AnisindioneThe corticosteroid, dexamethasone, alters the anticoagulant effect of anisindione.
Quinidine barbiturateThe barbiturate, quinidine barbiturate, may decrease the effect of the corticosteroid, dexamethasone.
AprobarbitalThe barbiturate, aprobarbital, may decrease the effect of the corticosteroid, dexamethasone.
EthotoinThe enzyme inducer, ethotoin, may decrease the effect of the corticosteroid, dexamethasone.
ButalbitalThe barbiturate, butalbital, may decrease the effect of the corticosteroid, dexamethasone.
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